
UBS Wealth Management & MTS Markets International Joins the BDA


We are very pleased to announce that UBS Wealth Management is the newest member of the Bond Dealers of America.

The BDA now represents 71 firms headquartered nationwide and continues to be the primary voice in Washington, DC when advocating for the interests of fixed income dealers whose primary focus is the US capital markets.  The addition of UBS Wealth Management makes the BDA a deeper, stronger and more effective trade association – tangibly benefiting all BDA member firms.

For more information on UBS Wealth Management please click here.

We are also very pleased to announce that MTS Markets International is the newest member of the Bond Dealers of America.

The BDA now represents 70 firms headquartered nationwide and continues to be the primary voice in Washington, DC when advocating for the interests of fixed income dealers whose primary focus is the US capital markets.  The addition of MTS Markets makes the BDA a deeper, stronger and more effective trade association – tangibly benefiting all BDA member firms.
About MTS Markets International:

MTS Markets International (MMI) operates MTS BondsPro, a leading corporate bond ATS with a client network of over 700 broker dealers and buy side clients. On an average day, over 15,000 different bonds from across the global credit markets have markets on MTS BondsPro’s central limit order book. MMI also operates MTS BondVision, a US dealer-to-client trading platform that facilitates efficient electronic trading for European government bonds.

The parent of MMI, MTS Group, manages some of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets, with over 500 unique counterparties and average daily trade volumes exceeding EUR 100 billion. MTS’s innovative technology, expert knowledge and client‐focused consultancy has benefitted its diverse network of market participants for over 25 years.

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