
A Call to Action: Munis Targeted in Pay-For Draft

Contact Your Member of Congress Today

Last week, a draft list of tax pay-fors was leaked from the House Committee on Ways and Means. The 50 page document contains a mix of policy repeals and the elimination of many federal tax expenditures, including a FULL REPEAL of tax exempt interest of municipal bonds, as well for Private Activity Bonds (PABs), Build America Bonds (BABs) and “other non-municipal bonds.”

While the BDA and MBFA continue our “boots on the ground” lobbying efforts here in DC including an upcoming fly-in, additional “grass-roots” lobbying is needed at the local level.
Below, we have provided a draft letter to Congress that can be used by your firm, or shared with your issuer clients, as well one-pagers laying out key policy positions. We included new data points from the recently released data brief by our friends at the Government Finance Officers Association.

The GFOA data brief can be viewed here.


Congressional Outreach Materials

We ask you to reach out to your Member of Congress, and encourage your issuer clients to do the same. Last weeks release has highlighted the need for immediate action to ensure policy makers understand the importance of the tax-exemption of municipal bonds and private activity bonds.

We have drafted a letter leaving room for personalization that can be sent to key Members of Congress:

If you want to get directly involved with direct BDA/MBFA advocacy, please contact Brett Bolton at

*Please note this is communication is from the Bond Dealers of America, a Washington, DC based trade association representing securities firms and banks active in the US bond markets.*

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